The sad reality of happiness

Asalaamu alaikum!

Life is the most interesting journey anyone can be on, and we are all travelling in the same destination, just with different paths. We all want exactly the same thing but do different things to attain it...HAPPINESS. The thing with this concept is that it takes a bunch of concepts to make it complete. Things like, anger, frustration, stress, and most importantly sadness. How can one truly understand the meaning of any of these words without experiencing them all in its entirety. Why do we prefer to avoid the negative aspects of happiness when we truly need it to understand its worth?.

Happiness can come and go, and be replaced with sorrow and despair within seconds. One thing I realized is that it can't be avoided, its part of the journey. There is no escape when it comes to this, all you can do is just brace yourself, make duaa and continue on your path.