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This is for everyone that's been stricken with grief or bad news....Allah has a plan for you, the greatest reward comes to those with patience, so bear with it an bite your tongue, make duaa an say Alhamdulilah

For the smile that lights up a thousand lanterns

To beauty that is too radiant I have to peak

Nay you are not beautiful shame on my words

The word should not define you

You define the word

One should be envious of your blessing

One should be envious of your essence

I should be envious, I should

I should be envious, I should

Such blessings I do not deserve

I would dress in dirty rags

Just to see you clothed in gold

A tear you drop distorts the image

A frown cracks the glow of your visage

A slouch mutates your gracious gait

An your grief will grant me sadness for days

One should be envious of your blessing

One should be envious of your essence

I should be envious, I should

I should be envious, I should

You have been blessed by the only divine

Take this time to thank him but do not cry

He tests only those whom he loves

You were chosen amongst many

Be patient for surely you are who he loves

One should be envious of your blessing

who wouldnt be envious of your essence

for I should be envious I should

I should be envious I should


q said...

I love this!!!!!!!!!! Omg! I love it! *major hugs*