I need a job

Maybe my resume just sucks, but whatever it may be I've been secretly wishing that out of the thousands of unemployed torontonians I wouldnt be one of them. I got only about a week before school placement officially ends to know If I am part of that statistic. In the meantime I've been trying new tactics that may help me get a job. Fixing my resume isnt one of them because honestly speaking, resume's are just a bunch of lies, no one in there right mind would read a stack of resumes, everything is out of luck. My approach (at times) is trying to woo my employers, show them what it is I have to offer, I think I'm insanely funny (i really do) and maybe I get my jobs through my personality....or I'm just pretty good at sucking up. Its do or die, jobs people never glanced towards are now suddenly full. I used to be really picky at jobs but I'm giving it two more weeks, if I'm still unsuccessful with my search its off to tim hortons....I trust my coffee shops to never go out of business on me.



Rihana said...

Why hello there Fatima, this is your sister and this is my first time on your blog. Funny thing is that i never read this one either, i just wanna leave a random comment. Well just showing some love. I'll try to get all my friends to know this site ;). Alright, later days SISTA

The antidote said...

I'm flattered, really, i mean its sad noone reads it but worse the only readers I have are my family members....but thank you for supporting me

Anonymous said...

Hang in there darling, I know the economy is really bad now-a-days, but have faith in Allah and pray hard. Wish you ample luck, hon :-)


The antidote said...

Ya i realized this along time ago, the sad part is i knew it was coming, but i never bothered looking for a decent job earlier

The antidote said...

an thnx hun

Anonymous said...

sorry............I guess the recession is hitting everyone pretty bad! Jobs are sooooooo needed right now...hang in there!

The antidote said...

anony: thank you unknown person, if you happen to have any rich relatives that need a personal assistant, let me know

Anonymous said...

Actually the Timmy uniforms got an updo..I ain't mad...i've applied..lol

Anonymous said...

any job is better than no job. remeber that.