Ya Allah!

I think everyone goes through a point in their life where they just analyze every part of it..and think what the FACCK? its usually when shit happens…and you just ask yourself questions like..What are we living on this earth for? To worship allah right? So why is it so hard…there are so many trials and tribulations that we go through....Sometimes I think honestly that this is all some long dream about our lives and we’re going to wake up and be reunited with Allah…if only it was that easy…unfortunetly its not..and we have to work to go to heaven..Sometimes I wake up feeling so inadequate and im like…im not really certain about any other part of my life..but one thing I am certain about is Islam..i know it is the right path..I know that one day I want to be in heaven..i know that one day I want to be reunited with my dad..i know that one day I want to meet the Al-mighty creator..…that’s all I really want from this life..but its hard when u get side tracked by this life..and its complications…Its hard when you’re heartbroken and u hear some slow track and u feel like you could relate to it, instead of reading quran or making dua to Allah, Its hard when everyone around you is having fun and you’re not..because you’re tryna better yourself, its hard when we live in a country filled with fitna, to the point that some things are not even frowned upon anymore only because everyone is doing it…its hard not knowing when you’re going to die and it can happen any second..point blank: this life is hard! But I guess the only way we can get through it without going crazy is if we keep reminding ourselves that one day this will all be over, and if u were a good muslim on this earth you will be rewarded in the hereafter and you will be basking in allahs glory for all eternity. So either live it up in this world {on the edge cuz you never know when its going to end}…or live by the quran and sunnah and be patient. And you will be in heaven for the rest of your life…that’s what it really comes down to…

-May Allah Guide us on the Right Path-


Anonymous said...

you took the words right out of me, whats worse is when the simplest form of dawah seem like a burden, thats when you kno you got some spirutual cleansing to do, but all in all ameen to your duaa

Miss Muslimah said...

This is a really great thought provoking post,masha'allah.

Ameen to your dua's!!

REAL TALK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

thank you for this post

The antidote said...

thank you, and inshallah khair!

Bitter marzipan said...

I have to say it's good to find someone doing some soul searching,I need one and still didn't get started :S:S

sometimes I think,no one said it's going to be easy(being a practising msulim),all those pleasures we enjoy in the after life insha'allah have a price...

mutmai'naa said...

Masha'Allah, nice blog - makes me think :)

May Allah subhanahu wata'ala keep you firm upon the truth. Ameen.

The antidote said...

I'm glad a lot of ppl can relate to this...this means we have hope in inshallah going to Jannah someday...dont let anything get in your way, Jazallahu Khairan..