
There was an interesting "incident" that happened at my workplace yesterday, and when I was told the situation I was completely dumbfounded at the ignorance that exists at my workplace. I decided to share it with you all, and just share my anger and frustration with the people I love the most. I'm not too keen about my job, but hey a job is a job, and the only thing that I expect at any work area is respect for my deen.

So yesterday my manager called my friends into his office ( I wasnt in yesterday), to discuss a pattern he has noticed amongst the muslims in my section. He stated that we all log out of the phones at the same time, and seem to be taking the same "bathroom" breaks, I guess my friends realized right then and there that these bathroom breaks he was referring to are when we log out to go an pray our salaat. Nobody was confrontational because it couldve possibly meant that he made a mistake and misunderstood the situation, but instead he went on to say that "we abuse our break privileges", and that "if it was prayer that we want to do, we shouldve had asked for permission" he asked how many times we pray and if its necessary that we do.He even called a few other muslims into his office to see if the stories matched. I found all this very strange because from the beginning he had assigned a room especially for the muslims to go pray in and gave us permission to use it whenever we like, but when he called the muslims into his office he made it seem as though he was completely oblivious to islam. I don't understand why it was necessary for all those muslims at my workplace to get into trouble over something that we legally have the right to do. What was even more surprising is that fact that our team leader was the one who brought it to his attention, when she herself knew the reasons behind our temporary absense (which is usually five minutes tops)and she always helped us get an empty room to pray in. Apparently now were being monitored for everytime we get up, I think thats just ridiculous, I'm not too sure if the problem has been resolved, but from what I know is that he did not even apologize....
and yes my boss is a jerk, and were all looking for other jobs.....



bittersweet007 said...

first of all thats brightness im so disgusted second there are more jobs in the sea...go fishing lolbut honestly thats disrespectful n ignorant to a millionth degree

Anonymous said...

Oh! I am so sorry for you Darling. It must have been very difficult for you... :-(


Anonymous said...

sadly to say but it sound like the mulch of western mediocre has just reached your destination.. and out of my imagination I do be concern of if I was you- if your employer has a little value for diversity how long do you thing they going to let you have scurfs on- when they're actually closing the rooms and cutting prayer minutes? by the way thanks for taking the time to comment on my page, I appreciate the love,


mutmai'naa said...

:O...that's so rude an naive of him!

Oh wells, I'm sure you can find a better job far, far, far away from him :)

- dahlia

Anonymous said...

Find another job. Contact center jobs can become frustrating anyway...

Bitter marzipan said...

asalm alikom
any updates:

The antidote said...

bittersweet007- o u kno im actually over it now, i was just so upset that day, and i'm still looking for a any leads?

Maryam- don't worry bout it hun, thanks for your concern though but im good now

Abdul-you know i wouldnt be surprised if my next job is like this, there r so many shady ppl in big companies o well when i leave i'll make sure i cause a scene heheh

Dahlia- Yes I can find a better job, p.s i've always loved that name mashallah

stinger- i'm leaving for saudi anyways, im just sticking with that, but when i come back i'm outta there

ruba- o yes the girl that ratted us out kind of apologized but it didnt really change doesnt matter i dont need them